I was given a 7 day Fruit and Vegetable Detox.
A detox is a strict diet for a short period of time that is supposed to have a very effective outcome for the body. With this detox for 7 days I can not have sugar, bread, caffeine, or meat of any kind. The list of vegetables and fruit I am given is all I can eat. I can only eat 3 servings of fruit a day, but ALL the veggies I want. The ending result of this detox is to rid the digestive system of harmful toxins from years of processed foods, alcohol, medicines, etc. In nearly all cases people who do a strict detox lose pounds of water weight, gain energy, and improve overall digestion. Doing a detox does have certain side-effects such as: Headaches, sore muscles, irritability, fatigue and being physically weak.
My Experience:
I began my detox on Sunday, December 5. It has been two days and I have experienced headaches, irritability, and fatigue. While this is not an easy experience, especially with all the temptations and cravings I am determined to see it through and see how well it works for me.
For additional information search Fruit and Vegetable Detox and visit: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NAH/is_3_33/ai_104836632/
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