Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~*Real Talk*~

So the saying goes..."How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours" if this is the case why is it when I don't react or retaliate I seem to get the shorter end of the stick? or am I missing something hmmm...

Once upon a time, I was the nicest person you would ever meet. I was kind of a pushover (yes, I will admit it). I never had enemies in high school, in fact I was cool with every "Clique" there was from the band "geeks" to the cheer squad to the jocks to the emo crew. After entering college my nice persona stayed in affect until about my 2nd semester when I got a 'back bone' and spoke my mind to people. When it came down to it people knew when I was serious about something, but aside from when I was serious I was still super nice and got along with everyone.

The Point:

I ultimately learned that majority of the people I went to college with were phony and full of it. There were a couple of people that I became so close with but I ultimately paid the price because while they were the ones doing wrong (cheating, using people, lying to people) in order to save their own asses they "threw me under the bus," why?...because I was closest to them or maybe because I was just the most vulnerable. I can never understand why people don't take responsibility for their own actions but yet they claim to be so real. If there is one thing I can't stand besides a liar is having someone lie on my name, but yet there is no point trying to offer my side of the story to the person they tell the lie to for experiences have proven they are still going to remain there being lied to, cheated on, and used. Going back to the quote "How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours," in the multiple times I have been kicked and let down I have yet to put them on 'blast' by revealing all the evidence I hold and their secrets to the world. So my question remains I do nothing and don't retaliate, I pray and try to figure out why this has happened and yet it seems as thou I get the bad karma, or am I missing something? Am I taking it all as a bad thing when in actuality it is a good thing?

The Lesson:

One thing is for certain from all of this I have definitely learned don't give anyone multiple chances. If you screw me over once that is more than enough. "He that deceives me once, it is his fault; if twice, it is mine."([1659 N. R. Proverbs English, French, Dutch, Italian & Spanish 54])

My Promise to Myself:

To continue to be a better person. To move forward without looking back anymore. Accept that what has happened is what it is and cannot be changed. Let go of all the junk cluttering my mind and move on with positive thoughts. Have faith and know that sometimes life has greater expectations for me than I even have for myself.

***Good riddance and good night blog world. Thanks for being my diary!

"It's not wrong to be nice to everybody but learn to be true to only few. So you won't end up being betrayed by someone whom you've trusted."


  1. Yo this was the realist shit I read. I realized that ppl these days only have GOD and their closest friends. In my life, I have 4 close friends, two of them which I met in college, the 2 other from home. I had an experience just like yours, friends that I thought had my back betrayal me. But GOD since me this angel, a friend in college, me and her have grown up together, even though we were in college we grew up quicky thru betrayal. We are starting to realize the mistakes we made because we keep letting these bad people come into our lives. But thru all the pain we help each other, we are honest & truthful because thats what we need. I glad u made a blog like this because I totally understand what u went thru, and if it wasnt for her, my other friend, & GOD I wouldnt havent never got thru it. So, keep your head to the sky because GOD will lead you in the right direction.

  2. LOL at your grammar but I still <3 you and this brought a tear to my eye. Thanks!
