Tuesday, June 29, 2010

*Chris Brown Comeback*

The 2010 BET Awards aired Sunday night with loads of glitz and glamor and a huge surprising/unexpected tribute performance from Chris Brown. I have always respected Brown's craft (dancing, singing). When Michael Jackson passed I always felt that there was one and only ONE person fitting enough to do the tribute, yet of all the tributes that aired they never had him. WHY?.... Because he was going through a public domestic violence situation with his ex-girlfriend which halted his career. Aside from his personal issues...this Sunday proved to me and a lot of America (and w/e other countries that see this awards show) that Brown was and is the only person fit to do a tribute for MJ. Not to knock all the other people (artist), but he matched him perfectly, just like he did when he did the James Brown tribute.

James Brown Tribute (Christina Aguilera included)

Welcome Back Chris!!!

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